KRC Gantry Cranes – Solusi Pengangkatan untuk Setiap Beban

¿Necesita una grúa de alta capacidad para cargas industriales o una portátil? Explore la colección de Grúas Tipo Gantry KRC.

Industri yang Kami Layani dengan Kran Gantry

Manufacturing Facilities

For transporting heavy equipment, parts, and raw materials within the facility. They can handle repetitive tasks such as moving heavy dies, tools, or large components across different production stages.

Repair Shops

In all kinds of repair shops where an overhead system isn’t in place. They allow mechanics to lift engines, transmissions, or other parts that are too heavy to manage manually.

Shipyards and Railyards

Full-system gantry cranes aid in assembling and repairing large vessels. Double girder cranes can handle the massive weight of ship parts and can move containers, and sections of ships.

Construction Sites

For handling large prefabricated materials such as concrete slabs, beams, and steel structures. Allow work workers to move heavy materials across a site efficiently.

Energy Sector

They facilitate the assembly, maintenance, and transportation of large components like turbines, transformers, or pipeline

Mining Sites

For lifting and transporting heavy mining equipment, tools, and extracted minerals. Our cranes can handle challenging terrain and where heavy-duty tasks are a daily requirement.

Gantry Cranes dan Klasifikasi

Un grúa pórtico es un sistema de elevación aéreo soportado por patas independientes. El sistema de soporte puede tener una configuración de viga simple o doble según los requisitos de carga y el caso de uso. Estas grúas se utilizan cuando no se pueden instalar sistemas de rieles aéreos debido a limitaciones de espacio o estructurales.

A diferencia de las grúas de puente, las grúas pórtico no requieren estructuras de soporte permanentes. Pueden estar fijas sobre rieles o diseñadas como unidades portátiles. Según su posicionamiento, hay diferentes tipos de grúas pórtico disponibles:

KRC Full Gantry Cranes

Mereka memiliki dua kaki yang berjalan di rel yang tertanam di lantai, mencakup area kerja yang luas. Mereka menangani beban terberat dari semua jenis gantry. Paling cocok untuk pekerjaan luar ruangan atau skala besar seperti galangan kapal, tempat kereta api, dan manufaktur. Mereka tidak memerlukan sistem overhead tetap meskipun memiliki bentuk yang besar.

KRC Semi Gantry Systems

Satu kaki berjalan di rel tanah, sementara sisi lainnya didukung oleh struktur bangunan. Mereka bekerja dengan baik di ruang terbatas atau di mana sistem overhead yang ada sudah ada.

Kran gantry dengan konstruksi yang kokoh (baja struktural) memiliki rentang terpanjang dan kapasitas beban tertinggi. Ideal untuk pembangunan kapal, konstruksi, dan manufaktur.

Kapasitas Angkat Maksimum

Rentang Maksimum

Kecepatan Perjalanan Troli

Kecepatan Perjalanan Jembatan

Kecepatan Angkat

10 ton

30 meter

4-40 m/menit

3-30 m/menit

0.4-16 m/menit

KRC Cranes de Gancho de Viga Única

Un lado corre sobre un riel en el suelo, mientras que el otro lado está soportado por una estructura del edificio. Funcionan bien en espacios con poco espacio o donde ya existe un sistema aéreo.

Grúas de pórtico de construcción robusta (acero estructural) con los tramos más largos y las mayores capacidades de carga. Ideales para la construcción naval, la construcción y la fabricación.

Capacidad de Elevación Máxima

Tramo Máximo

Velocidad de Desplazamiento del Carro

Velocidad de Desplazamiento del Puente

Velocidad de Elevación

10 toneladas

30 metros

4-40 m/min

3-30 m/min

0.4-16 m/min

KRC Portable Gantry Systems




最大载重: 3吨

跨度: 4米

最大提升高度: 3米

KRC menyediakan kren gantri aluminium portabel dan boleh laras dengan kapasiti dari 0.5 hingga 3 tan. Spesifikasi umum kren girder tunggal kami adalah:| Nombor Model | Asal | Beban | Rentang | Ketinggian | Piawaian Keselamatan | Kemasan | |————–|——-|—————|—————-|———————|————————————|———–| | KLM | China | 0.5 hingga 3 tan | 2 – 4 meter | 2.4 hingga 3.122 meter | Mematuhi CE dan EN795 Kelas B | Anodized |

Sistem Gantry yang Boleh Disesuaikan

These cranes have adjustable height and width for versatile use. Their collapsible design makes them great for tight spaces, particularly in warehouses where flexibility is needed.

KRC Adjustable Gantry Cranes

Offer maximum flexibility, and offer manual adjustments for height and span. Use them in spaces where load and space requirements change.

Load Capacity: 0.5 to 3 tons

Span: Adjustable (2 to 4 meters)

Lifting Height: 2.4 to 3.14 meters

Mengapa Memilih KRC Crane untuk Kebutuhan Anda

Wide Product Range

KRC designs cranes for every application. We offer portable, lightweight cranes suited to smaller projects and large gantry systems capable of handling heavy-duty tasks.

High-Quality Built

Our double girder cranes use structural steel, while our portable systems utilize lightweight aluminum. Every crane is engineered for strength, durability, and long-term performance.

Controlled Manufacturing

Stringent quality control is applied at every stage of manufacturing. Our facilities are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified to ensure every product is of highest quality.

Customized Product

Apart from offering standard equipment, we offer customized designs, manufacturing, and installation of cranes.


Which crane should I opt for, an aluminum or a steel one?

It depends on your intended use case. For smaller repair jobs or moving components within a limited space, aluminum portable cranes are better suited due to their lightweight build. Whereas, for heavy-duty lifting tasks, you can choose structural steel cranes.

Are your portable gantry cranes safe?

Yes, all KRC portable gantry cranes are certified and fully safe to use within their specified load-bearing capacities. They meet industry safety standards and undergo stringent quality checks.

What is the span of a gantry crane?

The span varies by crane type. Portable gantry cranes usually have spans ranging between 2 to 4 meters. For full gantry systems, the span can extend up to 30 meters.

Are gantry cranes different from bridge/overhead cranes?

Gantry cranes and bridge cranes serve similar purposes but differ in structure. Bridge cranes require a permanent overhead runway system, while gantry cranes do not. Gantry cranes move on ground rails or are sometimes portable, with wheel casters for easy mobility.


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